Prof. Dr. Jochen Guck


Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light &

Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin

Staudtstr. 2

91058 Erlangen





Santos-Ferreira T*, Herbig M*, Otto O, Carido M, Karl MO, Michalakis S, Guck J#, Ader M# (2019) Morpho-rheological fingerprinting of rod photoreceptors using real-time deformability cytometry. Cytometry A, e-pub ahead of print.

Gasparini SJ*, Llonch S*, Borsch O, Ader M (2019) Transplantation of photoreceptors into the degenerative retina: Current state and future perspectives. Prog Retin Eye Res, 69:1-37.

Herbig M, Kräter M, Plak K, Müller P, Guck J, Otto O (2018) Real-Time Deformability Cytometry: Label-Free Functional Characterization of Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2018;1678:347-369.

Herbig M, Mietke A, Müller P, Otto O (2018) Statistics for real-time deformability cytometry: Clustering, dimensionality reduction, and significance testing. Biomicrofluidics, 12(4):042214.

Santos-Ferreira T*, Llonch S*, Borsch O*, Postel K, Haas J, Ader M (2016) Retinal transplantation of photoreceptors results in donor-host cytoplasmic exchange. Nat Commun, 7:13028.

Santos-Ferreira T*, Völkner M*, Borsch O, Haas J, Cimalla P, Vasudevan P, Carmeliet P, Corbeil D, Michalakis S, Koch E, Karl MO, Ader M (2016) Stem Cell-Derived Photoreceptor Transplants Differentially Integrate Into Mouse Models of Cone-Rod Dystrophy. IOVS. 57(7):3509-20.

Santos-Ferreira T, Postel K, Stutzki H, Kurth T, Zeck G, Ader M (2015) Daylight vision repair by cell transplantation. Stem Cells. 33(1):79-90.

Otto O, Rosendahl P, Mietke A, Golfier S, Herold C, Klaue D, Girardo S, Pagliara S, Ekpenyong A, Jacobi A, Wobus M, Töpfner N, Keyser UF, Mansfeld J, Fischer-Friedrich E, Guck J (2015) Real-time deformability cytometry: on-the-fly cell mechanical phenotyping. Nat Methods, 12(3):199-202.

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